Last night was fantastic. It sarted out with dinner, drinks and darts at Fibber McGees. I was out with the guy I have been seeing and it was a very nice time. After I went over to Bogey’s where I had heard there would be a good band playing (Sister Cities). When I got there, I walked up to the bar to order a beer and suddenly had several new friends. I love when I walk into a bar and meet new people who take to me like an old friend. It’s great. The band was setting up, I was conversing with my new friends, women were getting body painted in the back of the bar and then a belly dancer came on stage and did a really hot show….really hot! The band was just about ready to begin and Pink Floyd came on and I was loose enough to just start dancing and having a great time. Then the band started and I was standing by the bar and this really hot girl came up and asked me if I would dance with her. Of course I would. Yay! So we went out to the dance floor and she was a great dancer….very nice. After that the body painted woman came out and we just stared at her. It was all very surreal. I got a photo: