It has been a rough couple of months. I am in the third year of my three year plan to pay off all of my old business debt, however, this requires about 90% of my income every month. I rely on side jobs and overtime for the miscellaneous stuff like when Lucas needs special shirts for the band concert for school, or when our electric bill is a bit higher than we expected, or doing some home renovations, or even if I just feel like having a beer. Side money and overtime is my gravy.
These last two months the overtime was non-existent and the side jobs were slim to none. Even a couple of the hosting customers I have decided not to renew this year because their businesses are struggling. Then a week ago, a customer who we built a website for a few years ago emailed and asked for an overhaul. I was thinking, “Cool! It should just take a few hours and maybe I can get paid before Christmas.”. It did take a few hours and he wanted to meet this morning (Christmas Eve) to review it and after an hour reviewing it, he paid me with paypal and I now have cash for Christmas.
Lucas wanted Steak for Christmas, but we had already bought groceries and spent about $100. Now that I managed to get some “gravy”, I can get steak for Lucas too!
I know it sounds silly. Most people think that I should have filed bankruptcy or something, but I have been determined to pay off all of that debt and it isn’t fun and it sometimes sucks when I realize I have ten dollars left to my name and payday is a week away, but I am over two years into a three year hard core plan to pay off huge debt and these next 7 months is the last hill before I can breath and know that I did it.
But for now, it is Christmas Eve and my son is going to have his steak!