It’s so hard to believe, sometimes, that it has been so long. On this day, 13 years ago, my life completely changed. Actually, on this day, I had no idea about the change that was about to take place. At the time, it seemed hopeless, but was really just the dark before the dawn. On this day, 13 years ago, in Camp Pendleton, California, I thought my world was ending and that I had finally destroyed everything. Looking back now, it was only the beginning and each day, month and year since has been filled with eye-opening growth and clarity. What I learned is that no matter how bad any moment seems, there is always the next moment. For life is a series of moments and each one is a potentially new start. 13 years later, it is hard to believe the person I once was. I am thankful, everyday, however, that I was given a second chance and that I was scared enough to take it. And I will always be thankful to Mark for saving my life.
Adventures, ponderings and day-to-day of Cheryl!