Harold and Kumar Poem

I ran across this the other day.  I am not a big fan of this movie, but I think this poem is awesome.

I’m sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three

The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine

For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic

I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality

When hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a three

As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer

We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands

Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed

-David Feinberg

New Years Eve!

It’s so amazing that today marks the end of 2008. What a year! Looking back, I am amazed at everything that took place this year and the transitions that occurred. I have to say, I am in a far better place now than I was at the beginning of this year when my life was so much in limbo. But now, it is all about moving forward into 2009 and I am so happy to not look back.

Here is the photo of Mom and I getting ready to head out and celebrate the new year.

Mom and I getting ready to go celebrate the new year

Christmas 2008

We had a very wonderful Christmas day that started with Lucas bringing me breakfast in bed (eggs and pancakes) and then we all drank mimosas and opened gifts.  The day was full of drinking, laughing and absolutely fantastic food (Talapia, squash, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, etc).    That food was sooooo yummy.  While Mom and Risa cooked, the boys and I played Guitar Hero.    Risa’s friend stopped by and everybody continued to drink and be merry.   Check out the photos.

Roll On – Kid Rock

I am not a huge Kid Rock fan, but this song has grabbed me as my new theme song:

Artist: Kid Rock
Album : Rock N Roll Jesus
Song: Roll On


I love it when you play it like that
Come on… Play

Sittin’ here alone I’m lookin’ back on where I’ve roamed
And laughing how I swore I’d win and not get burned
Left my family
Left my home
I worked my fingers to the bone
And there was not a stone I did not leave unturned
And I was havin’ a good time

Roll on Roll on Roller Coaster
We’re one day older and one step closer
Roll on there’s mountains to climb
Roll on we’re on borrowed time
Roll on Roller coaster
Roll on tonight
Roll on tonight yeah

Money and success
I don’t complain about the stress
I wanted this and now it’s here
So I don’t bitch
And I swear that time’s a trick
It disappears in oh so quick
Man I was just sixteen
And now I’m starin’ at thirty-six
But I’m still havin’ a good time

Roll on Roll on Roller Coaster
We’re one day older and one step closer
Roll on there’s mountains to climb
Roll on we’re on borrowed time
Roll on Roller coaster
Roll on tonight
Roll on tonight

And I know it’s hard to see with the sun in your eyes
But one day you’re gonna say I saw the light

And now headin’ for the hill
And I just cannot wait until
My children grow up to have children of their own
And I’ll be telling them about
The times I turned the party out
And how I stood against an army all alone
Drinkin’ wine and stayin’ high
And realized it couldn’t last
And how I turned myself around
And went down another path
And the signs we must observe
When life’s changes do occur
But most of all I’ll tell them
Just how proud I am of them
And always have a good time
It’s all love and good times
Let’s all have a good time Yeah

Roll on Roll on Roller Coaster
We’re one day older and one step closer
Roll on there’s mountains to climb
Roll on we’re on borrowed time
Roll on Roller coaster
Roll on tonight
Roll on tonight

Christmas Tree Expedition 2008

We woke up this morning ready to head up north to find our Christmas Tree.  We rented a truck that seated seven so that we could all go in one vehicle and have room on top for the tree.   Risa made white chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, Mom and I went to get the truck, then we loaded it up with the saw and clippers and cold weather accessories like hats and gloves and coats.  We all loaded into the truck and headed up north to the Apache Sitgreaves Forest which was our designated cutting area from our permit.  It was an awesome day and we found a fantastic tree.  There was snow up there too so we got to play a bit in the snow.  The weather was in the 40’s.  The forest and scenery was beautiful.

Of course, once we found our tree, we had to haul it back to the truck and that is when we discovered that we had gotten turned around and didn’t know where the truck was.  Jacob and Charlie and I ran through the forest in multiple directions until we found the truck and then went back to get everyone else and the tree and drag it through the snow.  Once we got back to the truck, it was a matter of bundling up the tree in getting it up on the truck.  It was a really big tree!!  Jacob got on top of the truck and Mom, Risa and I lifted it up to him.  Then he and I strapped it to the truck.  After leaving the woods, we drove down to Payson and had some hot cider and tea and then headed home.

Check out the photos

Pre-Halloween House Party

We had a house party tonight as a prep to halloween.  It’s always nice to get together with friends and have some good food and fun.  Amazingly enough, in spite of how chilly the pool is this time of year, a few people ended up jumping in.    Mom made some “eyeball” appetizers and mini wrapped dogs.  Also, Mom and Risa prepped some shish-ka-bobs and I cooked them on the grill along with my famous portabella mushrooms.  Mario brought excellent home-made salsa that was a huge hit.    The music was great with dancing and drinking and we all had a super fun time.

 Check out the photos

13 Years!!

It’s so hard to believe, sometimes, that it has been so long.  On this day, 13 years ago, my life completely changed.  Actually, on this day, I had no idea about the change that was about to take place.  At the time, it seemed hopeless, but was really just the dark before the dawn.  On this day, 13 years ago, in Camp Pendleton, California, I thought my world was ending and that I had finally destroyed everything.  Looking back now, it was only the beginning and each day, month and year since has been filled with eye-opening growth and clarity.  What I learned is that no matter how bad any moment seems, there is always the next moment.  For life is a series of moments and each one is a potentially new start.    13 years later, it is hard to believe the person I once was.   I am thankful, everyday, however, that I was given a second chance and that I was scared enough to take it.  And I will always be thankful to Mark for saving my life.

Week Off

For the first time in as far back as I can remember, I am taking time off work without much of an agenda.  No airport security to wait through, no long train rides across country, no long car rides.    Well, sort of.    I am driving my boys to Yuma today for our traditional halfway point to San Diego to meet their Dad so that they can go with him for the weekend.    When I get back, this afternoon, I have a week off of work just for the heck of it…just because I badly need to decompress.

After over a decade of always having 30 hours of things to do in every 24 hour period, I am looking forward to a week with practically no plan.  After five years of college in San Diego while raising young children followed by the day after graduation moving back to Phoenix to start my new and long anticipated career with four years of working days and nights and weekends while raising my children and taking on a HUGE renovation project on my house, and then moving to Florida to help take care of my mom and my very ill father while starting and running two corporations around the clock and raising children and taking on another HUGE renovation project, and finally, moving back here to Phoenix and starting my new job while at the same time trying to finish and close my businesses and, of course, raise my children.   And in the midst of all of this, let’s not forget the constant karate classes, and piano lessons, and guitar lessons, and parent-teacher conferences, and school plays, and sleep-over parties and everything else that comes along with having two active boys.   I have learned how to juggle ten balls in the air while dancing on the tight-rope.  The whirlwind of the last 10 years or so has been non-stop and all-encompassing.

Now I have a week with no children, no job, no sick father, no school, no pressing agenda of any kind.

There are things that I plan to do such as getting my blog up to date, finally organizing my room which I haven’t really done since we moved here, learning more Python, and going to the state fair on Friday.  I am, however, planning at least a couple days of doing absolutely nothing.  I might go hiking or I might just hang out in my pajamas all day.  I am looking forward to feeling what it is like to sleep until noon on a Monday.