Working on a java plug-in for accepting and authenticating digital signatures. Pretty cool. Learning a bunch. Still more to learn. 11 more days!!!
Going to Phoenix this weekend. Leaving Thursday evening. I have a few houses to look at and a few businesses to stop at and a few people to meet and talk to about my future. My future is just around the corner. I can see it winking at me.
Mother’s Day
Today was a great day!!! Happy mothers day to all moms out there. Today, I put aside all my homework and work and decided to see what it was like to just have a fun relaxing day with my kids. Amazing how well behaved they can be when they get some extra attention from me. I could not believe it. The most mannerly, well-behaved, sweet kids any mom could ever hope for. It gives me such a wonderful feeling about the near future. When I am done with school, time that was always devoted to homework will now go directly to my children. What a wonderul future I have to look forward to. I will have a degree, and the satisfaction of knowing that I earned it, and I can thank my children every day for being patient and understanding during those 5 1/2 years of our lives that I went to school. And my thanks to my kids will be to give them all the attention they deserve now that I will have it all to give.
23 More Days
Well, I had a pretty exciting couple of days. Finally found the house that I am considering moving into in Phoenix, the project that I have been working on for the Airforce Base in Japan is almost completed and is on its way to Japan, a bunch of school stuff is finished and my team and I gave our presentation today on JavaSpaces, and an article I wrote, along with my picture was published today at Go check it out. School is almost finished (only 23 more days), and my life is about to start. Look out world, here comes Cheryl!
Almost There
Ah. I am in the home stretch now. What a relief. Soon, I will be able to put more exciting entries here. I am sure you are all sick of hearing me longing for graduation. But it is sooooooooo exciting. Me. The girl who could never finish anything is now about to graduate. Yeah!!!! Be sure to check back after graduation for tons of pictures of me with my big graduation grin and stuff.
30 More Days
30 more days!!!!! Oh, my gosh!!!! I cannot wait. I am so tired. I think I am going to sleep for a week. I am definitely going to be quite intoxicated after graduation. hehehehe.
Yoga today was great. I stayed up until 5:30am writing my research paper, and left for yoga at 7:15am. Yes, I was definitely tired. But I wrote two pretty good research papers and seemed to have pretty good balance in yoga today. Now I am exhausted, but no rest for me. I have a javaspaces environment to set up for my project for client/server class. Ugh!!! Soon. It will be over.
Frank Sinatra in Perl
I found this on the web and thought it was appropriate for my life right now, and pretty cool too:
(hint: even if you not a code head, just read the words as if they are a sentence and skip the other characters)
&now($the_end == ‘near’) && so(); $i->face($the, $#curtain);
my ($friends, $i, $say); $it->clear();
$i->state(my $case_of); `which $i->m(‘certain’)`;
$i->lived($a_life{‘thats full’}), $i->travelled($each && $every{‘highway’});
&more($much > $this), $i->did($it); my $way;
Upcoming Graduation
Well, you can look at the countdown on my main page, but it is less than 38 days until graduation, and for the first time, since I was a baby, my mother and my father will be within a few yards of each other and proud of me at the same time. Wow!!! Ok, those of you who do not get it, this is just cool and freaky at the same time. Scary and exciting at the same time. Wow!!! That is really all I can say about it at the moment. Wow!!!
busy as a bee right now. I have not shared this too much, but this is very difficult at times. I am so close to graduation, but always very, very busy. People do not know how I do it. Sometimes I do not know how I do it. But I do know that I cannot wait until it is over and I can get on with my life and start really living again. And I am truly thankful that I possess the power to finish my quest to get a degree in computer science, because it has been the most challenging and difficult time of my entire life, and at the same time, it is the most wonderful. Because, as busy as I got, and as almost unbearable and overwhelming everything was at times, in 42 more days, I will be walking across a stage as someone calls my name and announces that I earned a degree in Computer Science. And I will know that I did it while working and taking care of my kids. And it will be such a relief. Such a huge relief….to be finished.
So, you want to know what is up with the yellow lately? Well, I do not know. hehehehe. Seem to just be fond of it. Orange too. Actually, I am getting a bit tired of always being surrounded by black. Besides, yellow is a good tribute color to the man who created the happy face.